1. Technology | Context
- Internet Histories @ ISOC
- NSF and the Birth of the Internet [8/18/2008 2:58 PM]
- Video of Internet History 1957-2009 [2/10/2009 9:08 AM]
- A great global and national visualization of the Internet’s backbone. I can’t vouch for its accuracy, but it’s very useful for getting the big picture.
- Compare the power grid (visualiztion @ NPR) [4/29/2009 8:05 AM]
- Zuckerman & McLaughlin, Intro to Internet Architecture and Institutions (2003) (excellent and detailed descriptions)
- Accessible, brief articles about how different aspects of the Internet function. Highly recommended from Howstuffworks.com.
- Wired, Netscapes: Tracing the Jounrey of 1 Bit [11/25/2009 7:40 AM]
- Internet Governance Project [12/5/2008 11:29 AM]
- Simonelis, Concise Guide to Internet Bodies
- ICANNwatch.org
- ISOC (Internet Society)
- Kevin Werbach @ U Penn Wharton
- Joe Liu @ BC Law
2. Access to Broadband Internet
- Alliance for Community Media
- Consumer Federation of America, Internet Issues
- Net Neutrality
- DSL Reports
- NetAction, Broadband Cable: Open-Access Debate
- Media Access Project, Broadband/Open-Access/Net Neutrality
- Save the Internet
- Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Net Neutrality Site