Folks often ask me about the software I use and like. Here’s my current list (updated 2014 08 20 | Wed 10:19 AM).
- Mindmanager: the visual outlining program I use in my classes and talks.
- Disclosure: In the past, I have collaborated with Mindjet on Mindmanager, and Mindjet experimented with a pilot project granting licenses to the UCLA School of Law for a 3 year term starting March 08, 2010.
- Neo Pro (outlook email supplement)
- Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium V13
- Dropbox (share files with others, and keep files synchronized across computers) [referral link]
- Crashplan (online backup) (switched away from Mozy)
- Search Everything (free and makes file finding by name so simple that it’s stunning)
- Archivarius (deeper search within contents of files)
- XYPlorer (replacement file manager for Windows machines; sophisticated)
- Windows PCs and Android Tablets with active digitizer pens, which permits inking, including on PDFs
- pdfAnnotator (allows marking up of pdfs)
- screenshot captor (easy screen grabs)
Some related links: